I am a PhD candidate in Computational Sciences at the University of Guelph studying under the supervision of Dr. Deborah Stacey (School of Computer Science) and Dr. Theresa Bernardo (Population Medicine).
I also work as the Technical Manager for the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) Informatics theme, and have recently completed a Fellowship with the Datasphere Initiative.
My research explores the interoperability of metadata and data from heterogeneous sources. I am interested in exploring data infrastructure to improve and understand data quality and interoperability, specifically using graph databases to map between Open Data sources and identifying the insights that can be drawn using this tool.
My research is complimented by my interdisciplinary background developed through academic and professional work in biology, bioinformatics, machine learning, data science, and data governance. I hold a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from the University of Guelph.
I am currently funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Program (CGS-D).
Outside of work I enjoy living an active healthy lifestyle! I spend most of my free time running, doing yoga, cooking, canoeing, or planning my next adventure.


GBADs Informatics Strategy, Data Quality, and Model Interoperabiltiy
Kassy Raymond*, Kurtis E. Sobkowich, Jarrett D. Phillips, Le Nguyen, Ian McKechnie, Rehan N. Mohideen, William Fitzjohn, Matthew Szurkowski, Joshua Davidson, Jonathan Rushton, Deborah A. Stacey, Theresa M. Bernardo

Approximating the global economic (market) value of farmed animals
Peggy Shrobback, Gabriel Dennis, Yin Li, Dianne Mayberry, Alexandra Shaw, Theodore Knight-Jones, Thomas Lloyd Marsh, Dustin L. Pendell, Paul R. Torgerson, William Gilbert, Benjamin Huntington, Kassy Raymond*, Theresa Bernardo, Mieghan Bruce, K. Marie McIntyre, Jonathan Rushton, Mario Herrero
Global Food Security
pdf| abstract| cite| website

Identifying Inconsistencies in Data Quality between FAOSTAT, WOAH, UN Agriculture Censuses and National Data
Ian McKechnie, Kassy Raymond

Informatics progress of the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme towards data for One Health
Kassy Raymond*, Neila Ben Sassi, Grace T. Patterson, Benjamin Huntington, Jonathan Rushton, Deborah A. Stacey, Theresa M. Bernardo
WOAH Sci Tech Review | Revue Scientifique et Technique
pdf| abstract| cite| website

Unsupervised Electrodermal Data Analysis Comparison between Biopac and Empatica E4 Data Collection Platforms
Kassy Raymond*, Andrew Hamilton-Wright DATA'22 | International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
pdf| abstract| cite| website

Curtain Graphs: Using a Floating Baseline for Comparison in a Two-dimensional Graphical Space
Kassy Raymond*, Andrew Hamilton-Wright VISIGRAPP'20 | Annual Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
pdf| abstract| cite| website


Informatics Response to Feedback
A talk about how the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) responded to feedback on dashboard functionality and design from Ethiopian stakeholders.
Kassy Raymond, Theresa Bernardo, Deborah A. Stacey, Le Nguyen
GBADs Ethiopia Workshop '23 | In Person

Challenges faced hen leveraging open data in transdisciplinary initiatives
A panel discussing experiences leveraging open data and "unlocking the value of data for all".
Carolina Rossini, Johannes Friedrich, Kassy Raymond
CODS'22 | Canadian Open Data Summit 2022 | In Person

Graph Databases to Address Research Reproducibility in the Global Burden of Animal Diseases
A conceptual overview on how graph databases can be used to trace data provenance and improve research reproducibility.
Kassy Raymond
ISVEE16 | 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics 2022 | In Person

The Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs): Addressing Interoperability, Reproducibility, and Data Quality in Livestock Agriculture Data and Estimates
This session introduced and discussed the GBADs Knowledge Engine, data frameworks, and challenges and solutions to identify interoperability and data quality issues.
Kassy Raymond, Deborah Stacey, Le Nguyen, Stephen Kwok IDW'22 | SciDataCon - International Data Week 2022 | Virtual

Overcoming Inconsistences in Data Categorizations to Calculate Disease Burden Estimates
A casual talk introducing the One Health community to semantic interoperability and overcoming inconsistencies in data.
Kassy Raymond, Deborah Stacey, Theresa Bernardo
One Health and Development for a World Under Pressure Symposium | Virtual

One Health Informatics and the stewardship of complex systems
A panel discussion on data challeges in complex One Health systems.
Graham Taylor, Deborah Stacey, Theresa Bernardo, Kassy Raymond, Rozita Dara, Samira Yousefinaghani, Ethan Pike
ISTAS'22 | 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society | Virtual

Postural state sequence duration and musculoskeletal disorder marker perception at sit-stand workstations.
Kassy Raymond, Andrew Hamilton-Wright, Nancy Black
ACE'19 | 50th Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists | In-Person

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